Alcohol can be detected in the urine by test strip.
Thereby the metaboweed product ethylglucuronide (EtG) is measured.
Alcohol can be detected in the urine by test strip.
Thereby the metaboweed product ethylglucuronide (EtG) is measured.
EtG is formed in the liver and gradually excreted via the urine. In contrast to blood alcohol, it is broken down more slowly by the body and is therefore excreted with a time delay via the urine. Depending on the amount of alcohol in the body, EtG can be made visible between 12 and 48 hours by urine test. The more alcohol there is in the body, the longer it can be detected by an examination.
The measurement via urine test strips serves as a short-term examination method that reflects alcohol consumption in the last 1 to 3 days.