On October 10, 2024, we participated in the 6th Insuring Digital Health (IDH) in Mannheim, an event that brings together innovative start-ups with leading health insurers to discuss digital health solutions and foster collaborations. We had the opportunity to introduce our app Vivoli , which supports women with recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) by using the ACSS (Acute Cystitis Symptom Score) to record symptoms and provide individual recommendations for action based on the calculated probability scoring. The response to Vivoli was extremely positive and led to numerous constructive discussions with representatives of various health insurance companies.
Participating in IDH 2024 was an important step for us to expand our network and forge valuable partnerships in the healthcare sector. We are very proud that we were one of the few startups selected for this event due to the potential of the innovative app and would like to thank the organizers of 5-HT for the excellent event.
photo by 5-HT Chemistry & Health | LinkedIn